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ESG-Oriented Investment Portfolio

We aim to enhance our corporate value and promote the happiness of our stakeholders by
remaining faithful to our mission as an investment specialist that contributes to a sustainable
future based on ESG activities.

ESG Portfolio

We continue to advance our investment portfolio centered on the
four forward-looking sectors of advanced materials, green, bio (life sciences & biopharmaceuticals), and digital
from an ESG-oriented perspective.

  • Advanced
    Technologies and materials
    that push the boundaries
    of the industries we engage in
  • Green Solutions that contribute
    to addressing of climate
    change and environmental
  • Bio Platforms for Bio
    (Life Sciences & Biopharm-
    aceuticals) that improve
    the wellness of humanity
  • Digital AI-based and digital
    that elevate society
    to new heights

We will continue to create greater corporate value by guiding
all of our investments with ESG perspectives and closely collaborating with our wide range of global partners.

Portfolio ESG Management

We focus on balancing ESG and Economic
Value to raise our corporate value further.

Our investment strategies are established
and implemented based on ESG-embedded

We operate under our philosophy and governance, which
articulate our role as an investor focused on corporate
value, while pursuing management that realizes
ESG value creation.

We plan to continually enhance our ESG performance in
every aspect of our business by actively reflecting our
stakeholders’ expectations and the latest changes in
ESG-related external policies.

SK Inc. ESG Portfolio Management

Areas of focus
Advanced Materials
ESG investing philosophy
ESG Policy & Strategy
ESG investing governance
Dedication to ESG investing management
ESG value creation
ESG due diligence - Assessing investment qualification from an ESG perspective
Regular evaluations - Identifying major ESG issues on a regular basis
Shareholder engagement - Exercising shareholders’ rights for ESG issues
Climate action - Managing climate risks and opportunities
ESG policy
ESG guidelines for investment companies
Stakeholders’ expectations
ESG-related regulations
Global investor initiatives
Direction of SK Group’s ESG strategies
External demand for ESG evaluation

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